Steps 1, 2, 3
When the team at OmniLinc discussed celebrating #NationalWalkingDay, the conversation branched off into an exchange about sneakers. The main thrust was about purchasing white sneakers and designing them to reflect OmniLinc’s 2020 mantra – Stepping Up and Stepping Out. Silently, I sat absorbing the exchange of ideas but soon my mind wandered to the many challenges I have with my feet. What type of sneakers would I need that would be the right size and fit?
Business is a lot like that. Management is concerned about finding the right size and fit. In the case of Omnilinc, the right size refers to the right number and mix of services. The right fit is about hiring the talent that would best achieve our organizational objectives.
But this has not come without designing and building the right environment that gives way to explosive expressions of endless creativity. We mix business with fun as often as we can. Its a recipe that allows us to get to stepping. Stepping Up our game and Stepping Out of our comfort zone to drive positive change.
Here are our first few steps.
Steps 1, 2 and 3
1Get to know your customers – not just the identified target market, but the actual people in those target markets. This requires a deeper dive into the dynamic demographic of the people you serve. The objective of this exercise is to see your company through their eyes and use that information to unlock the door to market growth.
2Establish yourself as an industry leader by creating a culture of continuous learning. Share knowledge and implement best practice.
3Be highly visible. Social media is now a critical tool for business.
Now it’s time to get to stepping… enjoy the journey!